Accessibility & Artists’ Film: ‘The Blue Description Project’ – reinterpreting Derek Jarman’s final film
Published date: 14 Jun 2024
On behalf of the team at aemi, we would like to thank everyone who attended the Blue Description Project @IFI on Wednesday 5th June. We were honored and equally excited to have been invited to partner with such an impressive and progressive project, and would like to sincerely thank Liza Sylvestre and Christopher Robert Jones (Crip*—Cripistemology and the Arts) and Sarah Hayden (Voices in the Gallery) for inviting us to partner with them.
We would also like to thank all of the team at the IFI for their unwavering commitment to realising this often very intricate project.
Thanks to everyone who so generously contributed their descriptions to the Blue Description Project. Warm thanks to Elaine Lillian Joseph and Corvyn Dostie. Special thanks to James MacKay, Basilisk Communications, and Zeitgeist Films.
aemi would also like to extend sincere thanks to Hannah Gumbrielle, Adrian Colwell and all at Arts & Disability Ireland as well as Project Potential Coordinator at Project Arts Centre, Cathy Coughlan for their invaluable support with this event.
Finally, the project simply would not have existed without the ISL interpreters Lianne Quigley, Vanessa O’Connell and Elzbieta Cichocka, whose electric interpretations and performances allowed us all to witness Blue in a brand new light.
Derek Jarman has been described as “richly resourceful, enterprising, driven, a perennial collaborator” (Olivia Laing) and it is in this spirit that the Blue Description Project thrives. We look forward to following its progress over the coming years.


Lianne Quigley (Di), Vanessa O’Connell (Hi) interpreting Blue through ISL at the IFI on Wednesday 5th June 2024.

Sarah Hayden, Alice Butler and Vanessa O'Connell host the live captioned and ISL interpreted, Q&A portion of the Blue Description Project screening.