Newsletter – October 2021

aemi online: Francis O'Mahony, Nettle Bush, 2021, screening until 12 October
Hello there,
Hope everyone is keeping well.
This newsletter coincides with the launch this week of Francis O’Mahony’s Nettle Bush on ‘aemi online’ as part of our NCAD Showcase 2021. Nettle Bush is an introspective film that draws from interviews carried out with people questioning their gender over lockdown and which invites a closer look at the relationships people have with the objects in their possession and how the meaning of these personal objects radically changes over time.
A second film by Francis O’Mahony, Cat Vomit, features within ‘Acts of Revelation’, aemi‘s curated programme for GAZE International LGBTQ+ Film Festival, screening at The Lighthouse Cinema. The diverse filmmaking styles in ‘Acts of Revelation’ make this a great programme to start off the weekend and a fantastic introduction to international artist film, featuring titles from Brazil, France, Haiti and Canada. As well as Cat Vomit, another programme highlight is Anderson Bardot’s breathtaking The Uninhabitable Ones (2020) starring a gifted pair of dancers rehearsing for a show about black homosexuality. Limited tickets for this programme are available for the 7pm screening at The Lighthouse Cinema Fri 1st Oct, and ‘Acts of Revelation’ is also already available online in RoI on IFI@Home (tickets available until Sunday 3 October).
aemi‘s 2020/21 touring programme, ‘Signals & Circuits’ will soon be finishing up its national tour. If you can make it, we would strongly recommend you catch the programme over the next 10 days while it is still installed at The Model, Sligo. Later in the month we are partnering with Garter Lane in Waterford to screen ‘Signals & Circuits’ at 6:30pm on Wed 13 Oct, and finally a theatrical screening at Pálás Cinema, Galway, 6:30pm on Wed 20 Oct will be its last Irish date. Full tour dates are here
As winter approaches, we are planning further artist support information sessions and workshops, if there is an area of artist film activity you would like to see aemi cover in the future, drop us a line at
Best wishes,
Alice Butler, Daniel Fitzpatrick & Emer Lynch

Anderson Bardot's The Uninhabitable Ones (2020) screening in 'Acts of Revelation', aemi's curated programme for GAZE International LGBTQ+ Film Festival, screening at The Lighthouse Cinema and online on IFI@Home where tickets are available until 3 Oct
GAZE International LGBTQ+ Film Festival, Lighthouse Cinema, Dublin – ‘aemi @ Gaze: Acts of Revelation’, Joseph Ingham, Baby Lies Truthfully (2020, UK), Emily Ryder, St Clair W (2021, Canada), Francis O’Mahony, Cat Vomit (2021, Ireland), Ryan Luis Fuller, I Fell Asleep Upside Down and Let the Blood Rush to My Head (2020, USA), Zé Kielwagen, Marcos Serafim & Steevens Simeon, Masisi Wouj (2021, Haiti) Mia Georgis, The Devotions (written & performed by Barry Fitzgerald, 2021, UK/ Ireland), Pauline Quinonero, Florence (2021, France), Anderson Bardot, The Uninhabitable Ones (2020, Brazil), today at 7pm Friday 1 October
‘Signals & Circuits’ aemi Touring Programme: Featuring work by film artists Jenny Brady, Jussi Eerola, Laura Fitzgerald, John Smith, Deborah Stratman and Yoga For The Eyes
until 10 October at The Model, Sligo – currently installed in the gallery’s new space dedicated to the exhibition of artist and experimental film
screening event at Garter Lane Arts Centre, Waterford 6:30pm Wednesday 13 October
theatrical screening at at Pálás Cinema, Galway, 6:30pm Wednesday 20 October
Rialto Cinema Club, The Circular, Dublin – coming up: Best Before Death directed by Paul Duane screens on 5 October and Henry Glassie: Field Work directed by Pat Collins screens on 19 October
South Tipperary Arts Centre, Clonmel – these hollow-earth fantasies, new film by Martina O’Brien exploring geological legacies as part of two-person exhibition ‘SHUL’ with Christine Mackey, until 16 October
Project Arts Centre, Dublin – Emma Wolf-Haugh, ‘Domestic Optimism’: Act One: Modernism – A Lesbian Love Story & Act Two: Radclyffe Hall – The Lazerbeam Theirstory Projects, until 30 October
Still Voices Film Festival, Longford – this year’s festival features Patrick Hough, and Terence Davies will attend a special screening of his 1988 film Distant Voices, Still Lives (international Critics’ Prize, Cannes). Terence Davies and Pat Collins will participate in a directing masterclass at the Backstage Theatre, Longford, 6 November
Temple Bar Gallery + Studios, Dublin – ‘Wayward Eye’, Vivienne Dick, Sarah Pierce, Marcel Vidal, Eimear Walshe, until 13 November
39th EVA International, Limerick – the third and final phase of ‘Little did they know’ curated by Merve Elveren features works by Hannah Quinlan & Rosie Hastings, Jasmina Cibic, Driant Zeneli, Rayna Teneva & Mustafa Emin Büyükcoşkun, Oisín Byrne with Adam Gibbons, amongst others. In addition to a focus on Derry Film and Video Workshop, this phase of EVA includes ‘Sexuality of a Nation: Lionel Soukaz and Liberation Politics’ presenting films by queer activist filmmaker Lionel Soukaz, produced in the context of the sexual liberation movement in 1970s France. In addition to the film presentation, a series of online forums led by Paul Clinton will explore the work’s relevance for intersectional and anti-capitalist queer debates in the present day, until 14 November
66th Cork International Film Festival – aemi will present 3 programmes at the festival, looking forward to announcing the details on 14 October. Save the dates for this year’s in-cinema and online festival 5 – 21 November
The Dock Arts Centre, Leitrim – Jackie McKenna, Bassam Al-Sabah & Atoosa Pour Hosseini, curated by Sarah Searson, until 27 November
IMMA, Dublin – ‘The Narrow Gate of the Here-and-Now, The Anthropocene’, featuring People Enjoy my Company by Frank Sweeney and work by Karrabing Collective, and Edy Fung, until 2022
GAZE International LGBTQ+ Film Festival – ‘aemi @ Gaze: Acts of Revelation’ available to watch now on IFI@Home
Towner Eastbourne – Jarman Award shortlisted artist Georgina Starr presents a special screening of her film Quarantaine, followed by a Q+A, 6pm Friday 1 October
aemi online – Francis O’Mahony’s film Nettle Bush recently launched today as part of ‘NCAD Graduate Showcase 2021’ and screens online until 12 October. Coming up: Jonathan O’Grady’s Invocation 13 – 26 October and Dan Shanahan’s Zero / Point 27 October – 9 November. The five films screening in this showcase are accompanied by an introductory text by Frank Wasser
aemi Ulster University Graduate Awards – works by the recipients of the inaugural aemi Ulster University Graduate Awards, Maria del Pilar Morales Caamaño and Valanti Athanasiou are screening on aemi‘s website until 31 October
The Model – Artist Breakfast Club featuring aemi. This is the first ABC session which looks at moving image and experimental film. Co-Directors Alice Butler and Daniel Fitzpatrick will give an introduction to aemi, discuss artist opportunities, and speak about aemi’s curated touring programme ‘Signals & Circuits’ currently showing at The Model’s gallery cinema space until 10th October. This ABC event is free and takes place online 11 am Wednesday 6 October
Project Arts Centre – ‘Working from Feeling to Feeling’: a public conversation between Renèe Helèna Browne and Emma Wolf-Haugh. The event will also launch the new zine produced as part of Emma Wolf-Haugh’s exhibition. 6:30pm 7 October
Douglas Hyde Gallery – the first in a series of monthly online screenings as part of Alice Rekab’s project ‘FAMILY LINES Screenings of Art from the African Diaspora’ presenting Martina Attile’s seminal film Dreaming Rivers (1988) 7 – 21 October
Arts & Disability Ireland – ‘From Access To Inclusion Workshops’ including Developing Multi-sensory Strategies For Engagement, and Knowbility Website Clinics assessing how accessible your website is to people with disabilities, 11 – 22 October. The 7 live ‘Access To Inclusion Symposium’ sessions are available on-demand until 31 October
LUX Moving Image – Andrea Luka Zimmerman, Art Class, performance lecture film testing the limits of access that working-class artists have to cultural production and to relevant institutions, until 16 October
fu:bar – glitch art festival in Croatia, including the online workshop sessions by Ian Keaveny ‘Ethical Dilemmas: Making glitch art by sourcing, reusing and remixing public domain and creative commons video using open source tools’ 18 – 22 October
Emerge – ‘Issue #3 Media Works’: Aisling Phelan, Life Untethered and Kasia Boyle, Endless Rhythm
Transmissions TV – the final episode of Season 3 ‘The Band and Friend’ is curated by Tosh Basco, with Sophia Al-Maria, Tosh Basco, Patrick Belaga, Kelton Campos, Enantios Dromos, Josh Johnson, Asma Maroof, Fred Moten, Lorenzo Moten, Julian Moten, Matthew Stone, Wu Tsang, 9pm 6 OCT & Replay 8 Oct
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen – ‘The Intervention’, a six-part online series showcasing the video artworks of six multi-disciplinary artists from the African continent, curated and hosted by Joan Legalamitlwa, until December 2021
Experimental, Dance & Music Film Festival – Final Deadline: 3 October, Extra Deadline: 23 October
Arts Council NI, Ethnic Artists Mentoring and Residency Programme – Deadline: 4 October
Arts Council NI, Creative Individuals Recovery Programme – Deadline: 6 October
International Film Festival Rotterdam – Deadline for Feature films: 6 October
Open Call: Fire Station Artists’ Studios 2022 Digital Media Practice Awards – Deadline: 8 October
Glasgow Short Film Festival – Regular Deadline: 5 October, Late Deadline: 9 November
Open Call, Visual Arts Project Fund, Goethe Institut – Deadline: 15 October
Dublin International Film Festival – Extended Deadline (4 categories): 15 October
Arts and Disability Connect 2021, Round Two – Deadline: 18 October
Open Call, dlr LexIcon Visual Art Exhibitions 2022/23 – Deadline: 19 October
Catalyst International Film Festival – Early Bird Deadline: 22 October, Regular Deadline: 4 February
Arts Council of Ireland ‘Film Artist in Residence’ at UCC – Deadline: 28 October
Achill Island Film Festival – Late Deadline: 31 October, Extended Deadline: 31 December
Braziers International Film Festival – Early Bird Deadline: 31 October, Regular Deadline: 30 January, Late Deadline: 31 March
Open Call, Fingal Recent Graduate Artist in Residence at MART 2022 – Deadline: 1 November
Alchemy Film & Moving Image Festival – Deadline: 26 November
Culture Ireland, also accepting applications to support presentation by Irish artists online provided the artist has an international presenting partner – 1 December
Environmental Film Festival DCEFF – Regular Submission: 1 December, Late Submission: 3 January 2022
Open City Documentary Festival – Early Bird Deadline: 14 January, Regular Deadline: 22 April, Late Deadline: 13 May

F-Rated: Short Films by Irish Women, Archive Player, Irish Film Institute
F-Rated: Short Films by Irish Women
The IFI’s newly redeveloped archive player features a significant collection of films spanning four decades, all by female Irish directors. A few films from the collection we have enjoying watching since the launch (some for the first time and some again) include Vivienne Dick’s Two Little Pigeons (1990), Alice Lyons and Orla McHardy’s The Polish Language (2009), Anne Maree Barry’s timely film Missing Green (2013), Vanessa Gildea’s The White Dress (2006), Sharon Whooley’s Fathom (2013), Margaret Corkery’s Killing the Afternoon (2004), Oonagh Kearney’s The Wake (2016), and Trish McAdam’s The Drip (1985) in which Trish’s early directorial talents bridge comedy and experimental filmmaking.
While some film titles and directors may be familiar, the collection is also packed with new discoveries. Watching even a small selection of the films available casts an eye back in time – pre-Covid/ pre-recession/