Film Project Award & Authored Works:
Arts Council Funding Application Deadlines August 15th 2019
Published date: 23 Jul 2019
There are two very significant funding application deadlines coming up on August 15th 2019 with the Arts Council for Irish and Ireland-based artist & experimental filmmakers.
1) The purpose of the Film Project Award is to support the making of high-quality and creatively ambitious film work of an experimental nature that would be unlikely to receive support from other funding sources. The work should be made with a view to engaging and challenging audiences. It should be made for public exhibition in cinema settings in the first instance, though secondary exhibition in other contexts and on digital platforms may follow. Potential proposals could be those that:
- are experimental in form or content
- are non-narrative in structure
- involve the creative use of new technologies.
Filmmakers can apply for a grant up to a maximum of €70,000
For full details of this award, please see here
2) The purpose of Authored Works is to provide film artists with the creative and editorial freedom to make a feature-length authored cultural film work from a strong artistic point of view.
One film will be supported in 2019. A total fund of €200,000 will be made available to the successful applicant. This includes a production budget of €185,000 and further exhibition support of €15,000, which will be made available following completion of the film and on submission of an exhibition strategy to be approved by the Arts Council. Only films that can be made within this budget will be considered. The film must be completed to premiere at the Irish Film Institute, our exhibition partner, at an agreed date in 2021.
Applicants will be notified in October 2019 if they have been shortlisted. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview in Dublin in October 2019.
For full details of this award, please see here