RTÉ Culture focus on Lisa Freeman’s Slipped, Fell… and ‘aemi online’ introductory essay by Dennis McNulty

Published date: 23 Nov 2022

Fantastic focus on Lisa Freeman’s Slipped, Fell and Smacked My Face off The Dance Floor (2022), and accompanying introductory essay by Dennis McNulty commissioned for ‘aemi online’, both featured on RTÉ Culture!

The film will screen tonight in person in Bray as part of the work’s new publication launch, this free event kicks off at 7pm at Mermaid Arts Centre.

Slipped, Fell… is also the current exhibition on aemi’s own online screening platform ‘aemi online’ where the work is available to audiences internationally for free until January 2023 with captions by Eat The Pips. Dennis McNulty’s essay on the work, titled ‘A Collection of Differences’ was commissioned for ‘aemi online’ and can also be downloaded from aemi’s online exhibition link below:
Slipped, Fell and Smacked My Face off The Dance Floor on ‘aemi online’

Coming up in 2023: Lisa’s work will also feature as part of aemi’s new Tour ‘Súitú’ and will be presented nationally and internationally next year – keep an eye out for dates TBA soon!